One of the great realizations is that the Holy Bible is an infinite, living, and magical book. It is literally the primary way that God speaks to His children on earth. When God took hold of my life and lifted me out of spiritual captivity, one of the key pieces of wisdom imparted to me was that any chapter or verse in the Bible can be relevant to a person or nation at any point in time. While the great prophets such as Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Jesus, wrote about historical events located in linear time, the holy spirit also may use a verse or chapter from them to elucidate one’s situation at any point in time.
My approach to the Scriptures is thus praying to God to lead me to the verses that will help me understand my situation and the situation of those around me in a more profound way. Once the Bible opens in this way, and the holy spirit begins guiding the process, you will be truly amazed by how what is revealed in the passages connects to the circumstances in your life. While there might be merit in fastidiously tracing the exact event in space-time the prophets were referring to, there is infinite merit in seeing each chapter of the Holy Bible as the living and timeless voice of God.
Taking advice from Charles Spurgeon, my wife and I began to pray to the Most High to enlighten us to the hidden meanings within the Bible, and for the best chapters to read each day. This dramatically quickened our understanding of the Bible and made its reading an exciting and illuminating experience beyond all expectations. I would like to share this prayer with you today.
Prayer for Wisdom
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray for the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so we may know you better; that we gain a richer understanding of your Word and your Way; that our understanding of the gospels becomes deeper; that our minds are saturated with truth and discernment.
Lord Jesus, teach us about your life and show us the hidden treasures and meaning within the Scriptures and lead us to the chapters and verses for this time and place in our lives.
Ancient of Days, send the holy spirit to teach us the purpose of any suffering we or others go through so we can learn, heal our wounds, and not be judgmental towards others when they go through struggles.
We wish God that you live in us; dwell in us completely Lord and make us whole. We long for you Yahweh to descend and to put all things in Heaven and earth under one head; to make things right.
Please Heavenly Father, enlighten our hearts and open our eyes so we can know more fully the hope in which we are called: our glorious inheritance in Christ. Show us your face God, for we sincerely wish to be closer to you and live in accordance with your Will. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.